It can be tempting to believe in the type of ‘It changed my life’ experiences that we often read about.
Because – wouldn’t it be great if it happened to us?
If we could catapult over years of hard work and struggle just by doing that one thing or being discovered by that one influential person?
So appealing.
But there’s a reason that stories of life-changing events or encounters make it into magazines: because they happen so very rarely.
For most of us, change happens incrementally.
And that’s a good thing.
Because achieving real, enduring, satisfying change is within our control.
It’s about regular and consistent tweaks.
I’ve been doing yoga every morning for the past two months and at first, it was intimidating.
I was trying to emulate a teacher who has spent years working on her poses. And so I was pushing my body harder than I was ready for. But gradually I began to listen to the daily reminder in each video: pay attention to my body and feel my way towards slight but meaningful adjustments.
Over time each of those tweaks has moved me closer to where I want to be.
I’m a big fan of tweaks to improve writing.
When it doesn’t feel like it’s working, you’re better off finding ways to shuffle and tweak rather than giving up and starting from scratch.
Here are three things to try – there are many others but these work for me:
- Move in: Read it aloud or get somebody to look it over (or do both) to fix and finesse.
- Pull back: Let your creativity reset by taking time away and then returning for a fresh look.
- Check up: Stay on track by checking, Am I saying what I want to say in a way that people will get it?
Regular work, close attention, brain breaks and returning to make the tweaks. This is what brings the change and the achievements that we desire.
Could you use some support to write for your biz or career?
Are you falling behind with blog posts, newsletters, social posts because you don’t have ‘enough’ time?
As I learned in TV news, it’s not how much time you have – it’s how you use it that counts.
My Content Writing Group helps women to develop a sustainable writing practice and get content momentum. We meet on Zoom with a private Facebook group for ongoing community and support.
It’s for women who ’should’ be writing to grow a business, career or profile so they can…
- Write more often
- Write for shorter durations
- Publish more often
- Be happier with what they publish.
This group runs 4-25 September 2021 – email me to find out more even if those dates have passed:
People need what you have to share. I truly believe that.
Your voice matters.
Photo by Håkon Grimstad on Unsplash