This week’s post did not come easy.
I started with one idea but after wrestling with it for too long, I gave up.
It’s gone into the drafts folder.
I don’t abandon anything, no matter how much trouble it’s been. With time and space, the quieter part of my brain can shape a tangle of words into something useful.
The drafts folder is where I found notes on something else I’d saved. So that’s what we’re going with (and yes, serendipity).
Why sometimes the writing won’t flow.
~ You don’t know what you want to say.
I have to do something quite different (walk, cook, read a book) while my subconscious works out what point I want to convey.
~ You’ve drifted from what you started out wanting to say.
I put my main reason for writing the piece on a sticky note and keep checking back to see if I’m still on track.
~ It doesn’t align with your values, beliefs, personality.
I have to give up – I can’t write something contrary to who I am.
~ You’re tackling something outside your area of expertise.
I’d look for others to provide the authentic knowledge and give them full credit.
~ You don’t have enough to work with yet.
I park it and look for what’s needed to improve it.
~ You don’t have enough practise to produce the calibre of work you’re expecting from yourself.
I forgive. No matter what our level of skill, there will always be someone doing it better. So I forgive and then I work to get the practise needed.
These ideas aren’t entirely original. I know I have read something similar. But I came up empty when I searched for who to credit. If you know, please email me as I’d like to give credit where it’s due.
And another thing…
When you’re stuck trying to write a headline, or anything else, try this tip from US copywriter and coach Laura Belgray.
Put TBD (to be decided) and move on – you can come back to it later.
Laura has a distinctive writing voice – you can read some of her emails here. If you do check her out, I’d love to know what you think of her style.
Remember your voice matters.
Feel free to get in touch to talk about how I can help you. Email me,