It’s very hard to be vulnerable but those people who do that are the dreamers, the thinkers and the creators. They are the magic people of the world. Amy Poehler, Smart Girls 

Photo by Karly Santiago on Unsplash

Do you aspire to be one of Amy Poehler’s ‘magic people’?  Dreamer, thinker, creator?

It’s an inspiring goal but it’s daunting to know we have to be vulnerable to even have a shot at getting there. 

We often fail to realise that without vulnerability, there is no creativity or innovation. Why? Because there is nothing more uncertain than the creative process and there is absolutely no innovation without failure. Brené Brown, Dare to Lead
Is it brave to be vulnerable? I didn’t think I was being brave when I wrote about death and mourning in, ‘On Grief and Growth’ yet that’s how one reader described it. 
Sometimes vulnerability is just what you do to get from one place to the next. From grief to growth. From comfortable to magic. 
Magic people aren’t just from the ‘creative industries’. They are scientists and mathematicians, gardeners and architects. Project managers and students. Anyone who aspires to create something that wasn’t there before and make a difference to someone’s life, including their own.

Magic people don’t have to be ‘right’. They can have opinions and ideas and insights that others disagree with. But they’re prepared to offer their deepest thoughts for consideration by others. They’re prepared to be vulnerable for their purpose.  

My purpose is to help people use their real voice to make a difference for the world. My purpose makes me brave enough to be vulnerable.

Does yours?

And then the day came,

when the risk to remain

tight in a bud

was more painful

than the risk it took

to blossom.

Anais Nin