How many courses have you signed up for recently?

I’ve done a few since launching into full-time coaching and writing at the start of 2021.

  • Write Earn Thrive (Lindy Alexander)
  • Creative Non-Fiction (Australian Writers’ Centre)
  • B-School (Marie Forleo)
  • Opinion Writing (Australian Writers’ Centre)
  • Content Flagship (Sonia Simone)

They’ve all been excellent. 

But I’m holding back from doing any more for now because I’ve realised…

I haven’t got the most from any of them yet.

I loved them all but…

Despite taking lots of notes, doing the exercises and enjoying the learning, I’ve come away without remembering a whole lot.

And I still haven’t finished three of them 😣
Totally my fault. 

Every one of the courses was well planned and executed for maximum growth by participants.

The problem was that even though I went into them excited to learn, I came out without knowing the one thing that really mattered.

The one question I needed to be able to answer:

What does this mean for me?

It’s a question that can make any kind of learning stick. It makes us think about how this newly gained knowledge can make a difference to us.

Is it simply about the enjoyment (and that’s ok) or can we see ways to implement the learning?

It’s taken me until now to see that self-doubt and impatience had me signing up for course after course without squeezing the maximum benefit from the one I’d just ‘done’.

I never think I know enough and I want to do it all now, instead of learning a bit, doing a bit then learning a bit more.

So for now, the plan is no more courses – just learn, do, reflect, learn. 

I wonder how long I’ll last. 😊

To be fair, even though I haven’t finished it yet, Sonia Simone’s Content Flagship course has pushed me to put the learning into action. It’s led to my first free writing resource, Five Simple Habits. Below is the link for what is the first of many resources to help you write to build your audience and so, your business and career.

Five Simple Habits 

The five writing habits I teach help with focus, overwhelm and distraction. They are the habits I lean on to be prolific, confident and altogether happier in my writing. 

Feel free to forward the link to someone who could use help to improve their writing.

The more voices that are raised on purpose for positive change, the better.

Could you use help with your writing? Drop me an email –


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

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